12 Aug

To stay up-to-date with the latest releases and updates, it's crucial to ensure that your Apple Developer Program Membership is renewed and not expired. If you need to make changes to your account, such as transferring an Account Holder role, make sure to complete the renewal process first.

To proceed with submitting app updates and new apps to the App Store, as the account holder of the Apple Developer account, it is mandatory to accept the terms of the updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Here are the steps to complete this process:

  1. Visit the Apple Developer website.
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID. Ensure that you log in as the account owner; this action cannot be performed by anyone else within the business.
  3. Once signed in, look for a banner at the top of the screen. Click on "Review Agreement" to access and review the updated terms.
  4. Check the confirmation box to indicate your acceptance, and then click on "I Agree" to complete the process.

If you don't see the banner, you can try accessing the "Agreements, Tax, and Banking" page directly through your Apple Developer account. Any crucial updates or required approvals will be displayed on that screen.

To extend your membership, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account using the Apple ID you used for enrollment.
  2. Click on the "Renew Membership" button.
  3. If your current membership is still active, the new membership will become active immediately after the expiration of the current one.

It's essential to note that the Account Holder is responsible for renewing the membership and can manage automatic renewal settings. If you are part of an organization's team, you can find the contact details for the Account Holder in the Membership Information section of your account. For additional details on roles, refer to the Program Roles and App Store Connect Roles documentation.

If your Apple Developer Program membership expires, several consequences follow:

  1. Your apps will no longer be available for download.
  2. You won't be able to submit new apps or updates.
  3. Access to pre-release software, Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, and Technical Support Incidents will be lost.

Despite the expiration, your existing apps will continue to function for users who have already installed or downloaded them. To continue benefiting from the latest releases of the Ready Education Platform, it's crucial to renew your Apple Developer Program membership promptly.

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